The Categories Of Compensation You Might Get After A Car Accident

While there might be others, there are really four main categories of compensation people ask for when settling their car accident cases. When you know these and have a lawyer representing you, there is a better chance that you will receive enough compensation from the claim to cover all the damages you experienced from the accident. Here are the four main categories you should be aware of as you begin working through settling your car accident case.

Property damage

Property damage is one of the most common forms of compensation received after a car accident, and it refers to the money you can receive for damage to your vehicle. If your vehicle was totaled, you should be able to receive enough compensation to equal the value of your car at the time of the accident. If you lost any other types of property from the accident, you might also be able to receive compensation for that, too.

Lost wages

Lost wages is something that refers to the money you lose from not being able to work, and the money lost from not being able to work must directly tie to the injuries you encountered from the accident. Lost wages does not only compensate a person for money they directly lost from missing days at work, but it can also compensate them for money they will lose in the future. For example, if your car accident left you unable to work for the next year, you can ask for money to cover the amount you will miss during this year.

Pain and suffering

Pain and suffering is a type of compensation designed to cover emotional trauma and effects from an accident. It can include compensating you for the anxiety or depression you are suffering from after your accident, or it can compensate you for the loss of sleep you now have due to bad nightmares from the accident. It can also compensate you for the pain you are now living with due to the injuries the accident left you with.

Medical bills and expenses

Medical expenses is also a form of compensation you can seek after you encounter injuries from a car accident, and you can seek enough compensation for your current medical bills and for future medical expenses you expect to encounter.

If you are not sure when to begin settling your case or how much you should ask for from the insurance company handling your case, talk to a personal injury attorney who offers car accident settlement services. 
