Why You Should Hire A Divorce Attorney When Leaving Your Abusive Spouse

If you are involved in an abusive marriage, you might be hoping to leave your spouse as soon as possible. This might be important for your safety and overall happiness and well-being, and it could even save your life. It's typically a good idea to hire an attorney when getting a divorce anyway, but it's particularly important when you are trying to exit an abusive marriage. These are some of the reasons why this is true.

Find Out About Filing a Restraining Order

One of the first steps that you might want to take is to file a restraining order against your abusive spouse. This is a good way to protect yourself when going through a separation and divorce. Although you can certainly file a restraining order on your own, you might feel more comfortable and might find that the process is a bit easier if you have the help of a divorce attorney when doing so.

Minimize Contact With Your Abusive Spouse

In some cases, spouses who are on amicable terms with one another are able to handle their divorce through mediation. This involves communicating with one another throughout the process, however, which obviously is not a good idea if you are in the process of leaving an abusive marriage. If you hire a divorce attorney, you should be able to minimize or eliminate contact with your abusive spouse while filling out your paperwork and going through the process of getting a divorce. This can help you stay safe and can help you feel a lot more comfortable.

Ensure You Get What You're Entitled To

There is a good chance that you are entitled to certain marital property when getting a divorce. Unfortunately, in some abusive relationships, one spouse is afraid to fight for the money or property that they are legally entitled to. With the help of a good divorce lawyer, you can help ensure that you get your fair share of the marital property in your divorce.

Protect Your Children

If you have children with your abusive spouse, there is a good chance that you aren't just worried about yourself; you might also be worried about your children, too. Depending on the situation, your attorney can help you fight for the appropriate custody or visitation agreement that will help you keep your children safe.

Divorce is never easy, but it can be particularly difficult when you are in the process of getting out of an abusive relationship. Luckily, a good divorce lawyer can assist you during this challenging time in your life.

Reach out to a local divorce lawyer for more information.
