When Both Drivers Are Cited After Road Rage Causes A Collision

Although it might seem bewildering, an automotive insurer might dispute a claim in which someone was injured because of another person's road rage. The injured individual may believe the other person was completely to blame. Sometimes, though, law enforcement officials cite both drivers in these incidents. Although aggressive behavior due to anger is dangerous and unacceptable, sometimes the victim actually instigated or escalated the problem. Car accident attorneys provide legal representation to successfully work things out with the insurer.

When Both Drivers Are Implicated

Serious injuries can happen when one driver feels infuriated by another's actions and behaves impulsively and recklessly. Still, insurance company adjusters realize that victims of road rage are not always entirely innocent. Especially if that driver also received a citation for unsafe behavior, a claim dispute may be the result. The insurer might dispute the claim or offer a low settlement.

It's difficult for an individual without negotiation experience or legal skills to convince adjusters to change their minds. Professional legal representation is advisable.


Law enforcement officials have no problem with a tap on the horn if a driver does not respond to a green light or strays into a lane of traffic. However, loud honking of the vehicle's horn can trigger an aggressive reaction from the target. In addition, honking the horn except for a limited number of reasons is illegal in some states. 

Tailgating tends to happen when someone is aggravated that the vehicle in front is not moving fast enough. Tailgating also occurs when a driver travels relatively slowly in the lane meant for faster speeds. Those who want to pass vehicles in the slow lane are unable to do so. 

Slamming on the brakes when someone is following too closely is likely to result in a citation for both drivers if a rear-end crash occurs. Traveling too closely is unsafe behavior, but hitting the brake pedal hard in this situation greatly increases the risk of an accident. The people in the front car could develop whiplash or other injuries, but the insurer responsible for paying compensation might refuse.

Getting Started

In these types of situations, an accident attorney could be necessary for convincing the insurance company to pay a reasonable settlement. The lawyer may use prior case history to show the insurer that a moving violation is not a sufficient reason to deny a claim for an accident caused by an aggressive driver. Anyone who wants to learn whether they deserve compensation for an incident like this may contact an injury lawyer for a free consultation.

If you need more information, reach out to a lawyer in your area.  
