What To Expect With Medical Treatment After A Work Accident

After a work accident, you must make it a priority to obtain medical care immediately. The specific doctor or healthcare provider you should see for medical treatment may depend on several factors, including the severity and nature of the injury, as well as the workers' compensation laws in your jurisdiction. Learn more by reviewing these important considerations: 

  • Company Designated Physician: Some employers have designated physicians or medical facilities for workplace injuries. Check with your employer or human resources department to determine if there is a specific healthcare provider you should visit.
  • Occupational Medicine Specialist: Occupational medicine specialists are healthcare professionals who specialize in work-related injuries and illnesses. They have expertise in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating occupational injuries and are knowledgeable about workers' compensation requirements.
  • Primary Care Physician: In less severe cases, your primary care physician may be a suitable option for initial evaluation and treatment. They can assess your condition, provide necessary treatment or referrals, and coordinate with other specialists if needed.
  • Urgent Care or Emergency Room: If the injury is severe or requires immediate attention, it may be necessary to go to an urgent care facility or emergency room for immediate medical treatment. These facilities can stabilize your condition and provide appropriate care.
  • Specialists: Depending on the nature of the injury, you may need to see a specialist for further evaluation and treatment. For example, if you have a back injury, you might need to see an orthopedic specialist or a neurologist. Your primary care physician or occupational medicine specialist can refer you to the appropriate specialist.

Workers' Compensation Laws 

It's important to note that if you are covered by workers' compensation, there may be specific requirements or restrictions regarding which doctors you can see. Some states require injured workers to select from a list of pre-approved healthcare providers. It's advisable to familiarize yourself with the workers' compensation laws in your area and consult with an attorney specializing in workers' compensation to ensure compliance and protect your rights.

Regardless of the source of the care, it's crucial to promptly seek medical attention after a work injury to receive proper diagnosis, treatment, and documentation of your injuries. A delay in treatment could create doubt about the seriousness of your injury. Follow the advice of the medical professionals you consult and keep records of all medical visits, treatments, and expenses related to your injury. 

Contact a local workers' compensation attorney to learn more. 
