
Employer Failed To Pay Wages? What You Should Do About It

When you took your job and accepted the wage amount that was presented to you, it was assumed that you would be paid. You have financial responsibilities to take care of and depend on the wages from your employer to take care of the bills that allow you to have a roof over your head, a vehicle, and food to eat. If you work several hours and don't receive a paycheck, it can definitely put you behind.

3 Reasons Why Handling A Slip And Fall Accident Case On Your Own Can Be Tricky

If you have recently slipped and fallen, you could be thinking about pursuing a case. Before you try to do this without the assistance of a lawyer, consider these reasons why handling this type of case on your own can be quite difficult. 1. It Can Take Time Away from Healing First of all, right now, you might be sore and uncomfortable while dealing with the aftermath of your slip and fall accident case.

How To Know If It's Time To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

While it is true that not every single accident requires legal action, you will want to remember that there is a good chance that you should hire a personal injury lawyer. If you have been tossing the idea around, not sure whether you should retain a lawyer or not, you will want to spend a little time reviewing the following information. This way, you will know whether it's time to go ahead and schedule a consultation meeting.

Assistance from an Immigration Lawyer Could Reduce Life-Impacting Spousal Petition Delays

Bringing a foreign-born relative to the United States is, theoretically, a straightforward process. Immigration law provides detailed rules and regulations to petition for a spouse. As long as the one spouse fills out all necessary forms correctly, the path to a visa and lawful permanent resident status emerges. Of course, you have to do everything correctly to experience a hassle-free process. The average person doesn't likely possess much knowledge about immigration petitions and related laws.

Tenancy In Common And Joint Tenancy: What You Should Know About These Options

Buying a home with someone else is a big deal and a serious financial commitment. Two of the most common ways people can share a joint ownership interest in a property is through tenancy in common or joint tenancy. While both options give each person shared ownership of a property,  it's important to understand the differences between the two before you sign any agreements. What are the similarities of a tenancy in common and joint tenancy?

The Categories Of Compensation You Might Get After A Car Accident

While there might be others, there are really four main categories of compensation people ask for when settling their car accident cases. When you know these and have a lawyer representing you, there is a better chance that you will receive enough compensation from the claim to cover all the damages you experienced from the accident. Here are the four main categories you should be aware of as you begin working through settling your car accident case.

What To Do When Your Workers Compensation Claim Is Denied

If you were injured at work, you may be entitled to workers compensation benefits--provided that your employer carries this type of coverage. Workers compensation benefits can help to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and other costs related to an injury/incident that occurs at work. Unfortunately, not all workers compensation benefits are approved. It is actually quite common for benefits claims to be denied the first time around, so knowing what to do if this has happened to you is a must.

Why You May Need A Lawyer For Your Real Estate Business

As a real estate investor, you might find that there will come a time when you need the assistance of a law firm that provides real estate legal services. To help you determine when you might benefit from such services, you will want to review the following information. They Can Review Purchase Agreements  Whether you are buying a new piece of property or you are looking to sell one of yours, you will want to do everything you can in order to make sure that the agreement has everything pertinent included.

Surviving A Wage Garnishment In A Few Simple Steps

Getting hit with a garnishment can be devastating to your budget. One of the positive points of a garnishment is that you are now paying off your debts when necessary. If you have been notified of a wage garnishment, you may need to do things to rearrange your life and how you will work out your budget. Here are a few simple tips for surviving a wage garnishment.  Hire an attorney to fight it

How Can You Make Your Spouse Move Out?

Your married relationship is coming to an end and living in the same house is causing you and your spouse a lot of strife. If you are like a lot of married couples, you and your significant other own the place, so how can you make your spouse leave if you are emotionally exhausted from having them around, and divorce is imminent? Unfortunately, kicking out a spouse who has just as much of a right to live in the house is you is not an easy feat.