Will You Be Able To Pursue A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

A Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer is someone who helps their clients petition the court to restructure their debts. The central feature of this process is a repayment plan. In exchange for offering to pay a reduced amount, the debtor is expected to complete the plan within three to five years in most cases. Eligibility, however, is a big part of the process. Here are four things you should know about whether you'll be able to pursue a Chapter 13 filing. [Read More]

Workplace Discrimination Due To Migraines: Things To Know As A Migraine Sufferer

According to the Migraine Research Foundation, about 12 percent of the whole population in the United States suffers from migraines. While many people have migraines, these excruciating neurological events are one of the most commonly misunderstood and underestimated conditions. If you have migraines, there is a high probability of being discriminated against in your career, but this is not legal. Unfortunately, due to a lack of understanding, people with migraines can face a list of unfair treatments that could be grounds for a lawsuit for discrimination. [Read More]

How To Respond To A Traffic Violation Charge

Few things frustrate people as much as receiving traffic violation citations. Dealing with them, however, requires more than the belief that you're right. A lot of things are involved when responding to allegations of traffic violations, so you should follow these 6 tips to address the situation. Make Several Copies The majority of jurisdictions require folks to send in the original pieces of paper they receive when they respond. It's wise to make copies of the originals before mailing them but after signing them. [Read More]

Can I Have Alimony Reduced During A Financial Crisis?

During a time of financial crisis or extreme hardship, you might find it very difficult to pay alimony. Under these circumstances, you may be able to have your alimony adjusted in light of your new financial situation.  Reducing Alimony If you have a substantial decrease in your income, this can be used as an excuse to have alimony reduced or eliminated. For example, if you have experienced job loss as a result of quarantine orders, this may be used as justification to have your alimony reduced. [Read More]