The Types Of Damages You Can Recover From A Motor Vehicle Accident Lawsuit

Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can be a traumatic and life-changing experience. Besides the physical and emotional injuries that can result from a car accident, there are also financial consequences to consider. Medical bills, lost wages, and property damage can all add up, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and stressed. However, a motor vehicle accident lawyer can help you recover damages from the at-fault party to cover your losses. Here are four types of damages that a motor vehicle accident lawyer can recover for you. [Read More]

Children And Divorce: What Role They May Play

When it comes to divorce and children, many people focus their attention on the impact children have on the proceedings in terms of child custody or child support. However, children can play a much more significant role in the process, especially when it comes to proving or disproving claims. Child Witnesses  Children often provide some of the most matter-of-fact details when asked a question. So, if you want a real glimpse into a topic, listening to the words of a child will often provide you with what you are looking for. [Read More]

How To Know Whether To Settle Or Go To Trial After A Car Accident

You might wonder if your case will go to trial when you have an accident. You might dread the day you'll have to attend court. That day might never come. Car accident cases are typically settled out of court. But this doesn't mean that you should avoid a lawsuit, and there are some cases where you would benefit from going to court instead of settling out of court. What to Expect from a Trial [Read More]

2 Mistakes To Avoid That Could Impact Your Chances Of Winning Your Personal Injury Claim

After being seriously injured in an accident, you may have already put together enough evidence to show that the other party is at fault. After hiring an attorney, you may have just recently filed a personal injury claim, and since you have so much evidence, you may believe it is an open-and-shut case. However, even if you have mountains of proof that can help to win the lawsuit, you still have some things that you should and should not do between filing the claim and settlement. [Read More]